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As a game store, we partner with game groups and other interested organizations in the greater Pittsburgh area.

Kids+ Pediatrics

a family-centered
group of
pediatricians who
work with
Games Unlimited to
make tutorials for
awesome games for
the whole family.

City of Play

a non-profit company
that designs, develops,
and produces playful
projects and events.
They aim to create
new opportunities
for games to impact
society--whether that
be in staff
or life-size Settlers
of Catan in
the park with
hula hoops

CMU Board
Game Club

a regularly-meeting
college board game
(often open to
outside gamers
joining them)
who provide
gaming time and
space for board
and card games
on CMU's campus.

Uncover Squirrel Hill

a coalition of
Squirrel Hill
business owners
and community
members who
"promote the eclectic
nature of the
Squirrel Hill
Business District."